Friday, July 21, 2006

The News They Aren't Telling You

Israel Kidnaps Two Brothers

In an overnight raid into the Gaza Strip the IDF have abducted two brothers. The Israelis claim that the brothers are members of Hamas. Hamas denies this and states that the two brithers are merely the sons of a Hamas member.

The two captured men were brothers Osama and Mustafa Abu Muamar, sons of Hamas activist Ali Muamar.

Mr Muamar said the soldiers seized his computer and left after about an hour.

Apparently, the Israeli army, once again, has no qualms about killing children:

Palestinian Commandos in a daring raid on Israelis positions on Sunday, killed two Israeli soldiers and wounded five others. THey also captured an Israeli soldier, Cpl Gilad Shalit. Shalit is now being held as a POW.

Three Palestinian Commandoes died in this action against the Israelis. The action was in response to the mass murder of Palestinian children by Israeli Forces. The Palestinian Commandoes showed they were true soldiers by attacking military targets.

And then there's this:

Meanwhile, families of some 9,000 Palestinians held in Israeli jails demonstrated to demand that the militants holding Cpl Shalit trade him for the release of their relatives.

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has threatened to murder the Palestinian President, Prime mInister and the PA Cabinet unless Shalit is released.

Now isn't that special? What's the UN doing about Olmert again? Oh, that's right. A big fat nothing.

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