Tuesday, July 25, 2006

New Law Would Prosecute Grandparents Or Ministers Who Take Girls Across State Lines To Get An Abortion

New Law Would Prosecute Grandparents Or Ministers Who Take Girls Across State Lines To Get an Abortion

We need to rally together and kick the Republicans out of our bedrooms and out of our private lives. No government or any of its agencies should have the power to tell people what to do with their bodies. It's extremely undemocratic and actually mirrors tactics that communist countries use for population control and oppression. We can't allow them to cross further into a void that they have no business being a part of.

This is another sad case of the religious fundie minority of this country pushing their views on the majority of American citizens. I'm about ready to start comparing the religious fundies to communists as they show no regard for others' views and feel that they must push their beliefs and value systems onto society. A big part of the Bible is about people's right to chose and the consequences of those said choices. The fundies prefer to play God and take away the right to make your own decisions.

Both extremely un-American and Godless to boot...all wrapped up in a nice, pretty little evangelical ball for those who chose to lead different lives to choke on.

I don't know about you, but it kind of leaves a sour taste in my mouth.

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