Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Meet Condoleezza Rice, Political Imbecile

China, SKorea push for nuclear talks as NKorea slams 'imbecile' Rice

Well, this is the first sane thing to come out of the mouth of the North Korean government.

I'm just left wondering...are they calling Condi, herself, an imbecile? Or is it just because of her ties to George Bush? Then again...Bush's IQ is a gaping black hole, and every intelligent lifeform around him is getting sucked in.

China and South Korea said they were pushing to hold six-nation talks on the North's nuclear ambitions at an Asian security forum here, where the issue promises to dominate the agenda.

North Korea raised the stakes ahead of Friday's ASEAN Regional Forum, describing US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, who is due to attend, as a "political imbecile" for criticising its recent missile tests.

Despite doubts that North Korea would agree to the meeting, China said that informal talks had been tentatively scheduled for Friday, although the plans had not yet been finalized.

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