Monday, July 24, 2006

Israel Is Using Phosphorus-tipped Weapons (Warning: Graphic Video)

Olmert is so busy bitching that the international media is making Israel look like the agressor, that he conveniently forgot to mention that he's doing something illegal. But that's OK...he's breaking laws like his good buddy George. If George does it, then it must be legal, right?


Besides bombing the hell out of the good people of Lebanon, the Israeli Army is also tipping those weapons with white if they don't die a quick death through getting blown up, then they get to feel their flesh burn away, slowly. Which would you prefer? Quick roast or slow bake? Olmert also forgot that such actions are considered chemical warfare...and it goes against the Chemical Weapons Convention of 1997. You see, you can use it as a cloud to camoflage, but you can't use it to make people suffer, and I doubt they're using it as a defensive measure. The only clouds are coming from the bombs, if you catch my drift.

This video is very graphic. If you can't stand to see kids in pain or badly injured (this includes a shot of a little burned baby who, unfortunately for her, is still alive and suffering from her wounds), then you might wish to take a pass. Trust me, it's disturbing to watch and to know that Israel is doing this shit. To little kids. Not Hezbollah.

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