Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Hillary Clinton, Charles Schumer May Back John Bolton

Hillary Clinton, Charles Schumer May Back John Bolton

Do I believe this? Sure, why wouldn't I? After all, Democrats can be ignorant sheep, too. Well, that...and Hillary hasn't given me a reason to want to like her.

New York Senators Hillary Clinton and Charles Schumer are "seriously reconsidering” their opposition to the nomination of John Bolton as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.

The reason: With war raging in the Middle East, the two are facing increasing pressure from pro-Israel groups to forgo another Democratic filibuster against Bolton.

"Given the fact that we face a world today where every decision every day seems to count, we cannot allow any disruption in who plays the lead role in representing the United States," said Jack Rosen, chairman of the American Jewish Congress.

"This is not a time for a void. It is not a time to take away someone who's represented us well at the United Nations, putting aside for the moment any squabbles or disagreements with the administration."

And don't forget, the UN just loves John Bolton!

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