Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Congressman Jack Kingston Lashes Out At CNN's Anderson Cooper

Congressman: Anderson Cooper show 'seeks softer side of terrorists'

Even though Cooper didn't write the damn blog post--CNN correspondent Tom Foreman did.

Foreman's post asks how you define Hezbollah since the US sees them as something entirely different from how they were viewed by the local citizens of whom they took care. It's not an unreasonable question. Journalists are supposed to get both sides of the story, right?


OH NOES TEH LIBERAL AGENDA!!!11!! in 3...2...1:

Congressman Jack Kingston (R-GA) characterizes this as a liberal's view of the terrorist group, or "What a more enlightened, elitist journalist, might call Hezbollah."

"They slipped back to their liberal ideology," Kingston writes, "and prescribe [sic] the 'softer' side of terrorists."

Damn the liberal media! Everything is BLACK and WHITE!! There are no shades of gray!

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