Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Anonymous Republican Candidate, The "R" Is A "Scarlet Letter"

Anonymous Republican Candidate, The "R" Is a "Scarlet Letter"

It's nice to see that not all Republicans running for Senate this year are disconnected from reality. Some are finally owning up to the mess the "do nothing Congress" and the "do nothing President" have created.

On the Iraq war: "It didn't work.... We didn't prepare for the peace."

On the response to Hurricane Katrina: "A monumental failure of government."

On the national mood: "There's a palpable frustration right now in the country."

And to future sentiments about the state of the GOP and the future:

"We've lost our way, we've gone to the well and we drank the water, and we shouldn't have," he said of congressional Republicans. "You don't go to Congress to become the party that you've been fighting for 40 years." Lamenting "the spending, the finger-pointing, not getting the bills passed," he counseled: "Just shut up and get something done."

That left the candidate in a difficult spot. "For me to pretend I'm not a Republican would be a lie," he reasoned. But to run as a proud Republican? "That's going to be tough, it's going to be tough to do," he said. "If this race is about Republicans and Democrats, I lose."

Kind of sums up, in a nutshell, what the majority of the country is thinking right now.

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