Saturday, May 25, 2013

Red Vss. Blue Politics Blog For Sale!!!!

                                 (Our disabled son Jamie. He has a very rare chromosome disorder,
                             -----18p deletion with mosaicism and Autism Spectrum like features...)

I'm trying to get some extra cash for future endeavors and for my disabled son.

So with that in mind, I'm entertaining offers for anyone interested in buying this blog.

I don't really want to sell it, but I have important needs that need to be taken care of.

Blog sale would include entire blog, archives and blog domain name which I own.

Send any and all offers to: and/or


Jeremy - Red Vss. Blue Politics Blog co-creator and co-owner


- This blog has been linked to and mentioned on huge traffic sites like the New York times and the Washington Post and at one time was getting 45K page views and 30K unique visits a day.

_ I also have been very busy recently using the same SEO techniques I used before to garner new traffic and get the continuously rechecked for fresh content.

- I do have a business class PayPal account and would like any transaction to go through them if possible.

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