Saturday, November 08, 2008

Sunday Political Talk Shows For November - 08 - 2008

ABC NEWS / This Week with George Stephanopoulos: How will President-elect Obama handle the economic and national security challenges? Hear from his Chief of Staff and (for now still) Congressman Rahm Emanuel (D - IL). This weekend's extended roundtable will consist of Fareed Zakaria of Newsweek, Atlanta Journal Constitution Editorial Page Editor Cynthia Tucker, David Gergen of Harvard University, and conservative columnist George Will of the Washington Post Writers' Group.

CBS NEWS / Face the Nation with Bob Schieffer: Obama Transition Chief of Staff and Congressman Rahm Emanuel (D - IL) will discuss the coming administration, followed by a postmortem of the election featuring John F. Harris of Politico and David Brooks of the New York Times and The Weekly Standard.

CABLE NEWS NETWORK / Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer: As of Friday evening, the guests and subjects have not been announced. Please check back for possible updates.

FOX NEWS / Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace: Two up and coming Republicans will appear to talk about what President-elect Obama's first choices say for his administration and the future direction of the GOP: Congressmen Mike Pence (R - IN) and Eric Cantor (R - VA). Also, Obama Transition Team co-chair John Podesta will likely be asked to pick who could be chosen to serve the new president. Then, the usual roundtable discussing various issues of the day, including Bill Kristol, co-founder of The Weekly Standard, along with Juan Williams and Mara Liasson of National Public Radio

NBC NEWS / Meet the Press: The featured guest will be Obama Transition Team Co-Chair Valerie Jarrett, followed by a discussion with U.S. Senator Mel Martinez (R - Orlando) and Congressman/Majority Whip James Clyburn (D - SC). Then, a political roundtable with presidential historian Doris Kearns Goodwin, Newsweek editor Jon Meacham, and Chicago Sun-Times columnist Mary Mitchell.

SYNDICATED / The Chris Matthews Show: The questions for discussion: Does the successful Obama election predict a successful presidency? And regardless of John McCain's call, will Republicans support the new president? The panelists: Elizabeth Bumiller and David Brooks of the New York Times, HD Net Global Correspondent Dan Rather, and Atlanta Journal Constitution Editorial Page Editor Cynthia Tucker.

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