Monday, November 17, 2008

Pawlenty: No evidence of wrongdoing in MN election

Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty told Fox's Chris Wallace that there was no truth to the rumor that ballots were found in the trunk of an election officials car. The Minnesota Governor said that he knew of no suspicious activity in the tight race between Sen. Norm Coleman and Al Franken. As of this moment we know of no actual evidence of wrongdoing or fraud in the process, Said Pawlenty.

Earlier this week, Pawlenty told Fox's Megyn Kelly that he found suspicion in the story of the found ballots. Pawlenty said, and there has not been a good explanation for that, Kelly. That's a very good question, but they've been included in the count pile which is concerning.

Coleman's lawyer Fritz Knack had originally pushed the story of the found ballots. David Brauer of the Minnesota Post debunked the idea of ballot tampering. Nevertheless, pundits and reporters have continued to cite the story.

Sen. Coleman currently has a slim lead over Franken and a recount is expected.

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