Monday, November 17, 2008

Meet the Press- Senators Debate Aid for Auto Industry

I honestly do not favor bailing out the auto industry and these are the reasons:

1. I feel that Detroit has failed to see the need for hybrid vehicles and high mpg. vehicles. They basically have refused to evolve and change to meet the needs of the customer. Like any business, if you won't/don't give "Joe the customer" what he wants, then you deserve to go bankrupt and fail.

2. This is the mother load of corporate welfare. We, the taxpayers would be propping up another business sector because they made bad business decisions.

3. The big three have several times stages majored coups against the union workers working in their plants.
I really don't want to hear the poor autoworkers argument coming from the big-3 when they were willing to cut their own workers throats several times during the past 50 years to save money and increase profits.

I, being the proud son of a parent, who was a worker at a automotive supplier, have seen the trickle down effect when automakers and unions don't play nice.
What basically happens is mass layoffs, slashed hours, slashed paychecks and those families struggle.
So basically, my stance is the fact that the big-3 have been giving the finger to the families of auto suppliers for years and they deserve no mercy.

Sorry Detroit, you live and die from the fruits of your labor, you get no handouts from me!

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