Monday, November 17, 2008

Arnold Says Overturn Proposition 8 -- Republican Schwarzenegger Supports Same Sex Marriage California

Ronald Reagan's California successor follows in his footsteps in supporting a fairness issue, just as Reagan did when the far right petitioned to remove all teachers who were gay from public schools. Not so long ago in 1978 too. Scary that is how they think, but there you go. Truth wins.

Arnold Schwarzenegger sounds like he's working with the powers that be to make sure same sex couples can retain their right to marry that was summarily stripped from them by Proposition 8.

Hope this moves forward. Republicans need to figure out that Americans are tired of having the government in their bedrooms and deciding if they can marry the adult of their choice -- be they of a different race, same race, different color, same color, different sex, same sex and so on.

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