Tuesday, November 07, 2006

One Great Big WTF To The GOP's Website

BEWARE OF EXIT POLLS: Biased And Inaccurate Predictions Have Led To Poor GOP Exit Poll Showings In Past Three National Elections

There must be something wrong with my eyes because I don't see three on there, and in fact, the exit polls have been "wrong" (if one can call it that) only two times -- 2000 and 2004. Someone's counting this year even though the exit polling don't start until later this evening.

Also, what the hell is up with this poll?

Democrats are a liberal bunch -- which of their leaders do you think is the MOST liberal?

* Sen. Hillary Clinton
* Sen. John Kerry
* DNC Chairman Howard Dean
* Rep. Nancy Pelosi

Wow. I can't spot the liberal on that list, can you? Hillary's a neo-con, Kerry's a neo-con's faithful lapdog, Dean's a moderate, and kind of a disappointment right now. Let's call her moderate with a conservative leaning.

Deomcrats are not a liberal bunch, just as not every Republican is a foaming-at-the-mouth neo-conservative Christian fundie. Actually, a good percentage of the DNC can be called moderate, conservative, or neo-conservative.

That poll is makes about as much sense as me pulling one out of my ass, asking:

Lately, it seems that Republicans are a seedy bunch. Which one's the worst?

* Mark Foley
* Tom DeLay
* George Bush
* Rick Santorum

Because honestly, how do you pick the worst one?

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