Friday, November 03, 2006

Note To Readership: Sorry For Lack of Updates Today. Go Vote!

I had to rebuild my wife's pc from scratch today and I have spent most of the day getting her xp machine back to life.
She had a crash recently thanks to a failed hd and dvd-rom drive.

The blog will be back in full force and racing with news and updates towards the election finish line on Saturday.
We have 3.5 days to the most important day in the country's future coming up on Tuesday.
America needs a change, the world needs us to change.
We knor the world can stand too much more of the GOP led Congress or lame-duck President, George Bush.
If you are going to vote Tuesday, I say kudos to you.
If you are on the fence or gonna take a pass, I wonder and ask why?
Times are hard for many and every vote is needed in the race for much needed change.
On the way to vote - take a friend, heck, take two.
We need every man, women and child that is able to vote to hit the polls this coming Tuesday.

We all know what is at stake...
Our very future and life as we know it is in danger and we must right the wrongs that have went on unchecked for too long....

The RedvssBlue Blog staff...

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