Thursday, November 02, 2006

Kerry Sorry for 'Stuck in Iraq' Remarks

My Way News - Kerry Sorry for 'Stuck in Iraq' Remarks:

"Fearful of damaging his own party in next week's elections, Sen. John Kerry apologized Wednesday to 'any service member, family member or American' offended by remarks deemed by Republicans and Democrats to be insulting to U.S. forces in Iraq.

Six days before the election, the Democrats' 2004 presidential nominee said he wanted to avoid becoming a distraction in the final days of the battle for control of Congress. He added he sincerely regretted that his words were 'misinterpreted to imply anything negative about those in uniform.'

In a brief statement, Kerry attacked President Bush for a 'failed security policy.' Yet his apology, issued after prominent Democrats had urged him to cancel public appearances, was designed to quell a controversy that party leaders feared would stall their drive for big gains on Nov. 7."

Can we lock this guy in a closet for a week or so?
He has a hell of a gift for screwing up a given political situation.
Kerry truly is the Howard Dean of this election cycle.
I honestly hope for the good of the party and the need for change that "Lurch" will simply go home to D.C. or MA and keep his mouth shut.
We don't need any more Dems throwing jet fuel on the Republican spin machine.

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