Monday, November 06, 2006

It's A Mad World (Courtesy Of Donnie Darko)

There's a certain smell in the air, and if you take a whiff, you might find that it smells a little like sweat and fear. Yes, it's that time of year again...the day where politicians on all sides of the fence wait nervously, wondering if they'll soon be looking for another way to pass the days. Tomorrow -- as if you didn't already know (let's hope you do) -- is Election Day.

Sadly, the presidential one won't be for another two years, but the GOP still has a reason to be sweating bullets; everyone's thinking about the same thing: will they retain their position in the House and Senate, and will this be an honest count?

(And yes, quite a few people might also be jumping the gun and wondering when the impeachment hearings will start, but that's for another day.)

When I say everyone, I mean everyone. The Dems, especially Nancy Pelosi, are thinking about it...probably because they've been screwed by a faulty voting system twice in the past decade. The GOP is definitely thinking about it, so they're pulling out all the stops to make people think otherwise...after all, thanks to the efforts of Black Box Voting, Brad Friedman, and countless others like them, people are doubting the honesty behind the election process. The world is also thinking about it...and probably worried that they'll be forced to suffer with the dumber half of America for years to come.

We'll all be forced to think about it for a little while longer -- until the votes are tabulated, that is. With all the political ads, flyers, reminders to vote, etc., how can we not eat, sleep, and breathe mass Election Day panic?

Well, here's another reminder. I'm not going to tell you who to vote for, no...all I'm asking is that:

1.) no matter what hassle you have to put up with (rain, cold, no babysitter, no ID), don't let anyone keep you from exercising your right to vote,

2.) try researching your local candidates if you haven't already...if you're going to vote, then it should be for whom you feel best represents you,


3.) double- and triple-check your ballot before you decide you are truly finished. The voting process is full of security holes and flaws, even if Diebold and other companies would rather you believe that everything's A-OK. Better safe than sorry.

Here's hoping for smooth sailing for all of you while you go to vote.

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