Saturday, November 04, 2006

Bill O'Reilly Wants to Ban Horror Movies (and is a Moron)

Bill O'Reilly Wants to Ban Horror Movies (and is a Moron) - Cinematical:

"You know Bill O'Reilly? That stuffed shirt knee-jerk reactionist / sexual harrassment expert? Yeah, that guy. Well, Bill has finally discovered that there's a thing out there called A Horror Movie, and get this: He wants to ban them. Yep, O'Reilley threatens to 'look into it' at the tail-end of this moronic video clip in which some wifty psychologist and some puritan author spend about six minutes boo-hoo-hooing over the shameless gruesome nastiness of movies like Saw, Hostel and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Look out, Lionsgate! Bill O'Reilly plans to 'look into' horror movies and, I guess, put a stop to the durn things, consarnit! Stockholders beware!"

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