Tuesday, July 25, 2006

US Pressures Pakistan To Not Build Weapons Program

US Pressures Pakistan To Not Build Weapons Program

The race is on for the next "nuclear super-power" thanks to U.S. cooperation with India's nuclear weapons program that will basically sprout a nuclear arms race in Southern Asia and the Middle East regions.

Instead of trying to bring a halt to the nuclear build-up, our favorite "do nothing President" is doing all he can to speed up the race.

Lack of leadership could give us all the gift that keeps on giving: a mushroom cloud and a "oops, we screwed up again" response. How nice.

Representative Ed Markey, the Democratic co-chairman of the Bipartisan Taskforce on Nonproliferation, said: "The nuclear arms race in South Asia is about to ignite, and instead of doing everything possible to stop this vicious cycle, the Bush Administration is throwing fuel on the fire.

"If either India or Pakistan starts increasing its nuclear arsenal, the other side will respond in kind; and the Bush Administration's proposed nuclear deal with India is making that much more likely."

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