Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Notorious S.F. Tagger Hit With $20,000 Fine

Notorious S.F. tagger hit with $20,000 fine

San Francisco City Attorney Dennis Herrera announced Monday that his office obtained a civil injunction and $20,000 in financial penalties against Romero, whom Herrera called "one of San Francisco's most prolific graffiti vandals."

The case marks the first time the city has filed a civil lawsuit against a graffiti tagger.

"We want to send a message to vandals that we are going to do whatever it takes to go after them," Herrera said.

While the civil complaint against Romero linked him to 11 tagging incidents, officials say he probably is responsible for countless more. And that's just during the two years he's been an adult. Officials said he also has a juvenile record, which they declined to discuss.

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