Monday, July 17, 2006

Video Of Sweet And Honey--I Mean--George And Tony At The G8 Summit

Can you say "staged"? Sure, they knew the microphones and cameras were there, and in any case, one would think that they refrain from saying things like, "Yo, Blair! How's your golf game? Want to play a few holes?" You know, because sometimes, CNN hides those cameras and mikes where you can't see them, and normal chit-chat at this kind of event would be bad.

Anyway, pay close attention. When the camera zooms in on George (who can't stop shoveling food into his mouth for just one minute...didn't Babs teach him manners?) and Tony, you'll hear, "What they [the United Nations] need to do is to get Syria to stop Hezbollah from doing this shit," and "I felt like telling Kofi to get on the phone with [Syrian President] Assad and make something happen."

Maybe Bush has been watching too much TV and is now confusing it with reality. The whole phone call thing does not work in real life, and besides, if he wants Syria to stop Hezbollah from "doing this shit," perhaps he should get off his ass and do some calling of his own?

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