Source: Reuters
The youth of Paris again went to the streets in a show of force in regards to a CPE law that would allow for trial periods and unjustified layoffs for young workers.
PARIS (Reuters)--Rampaging French youths set fire to cars and looted shops in Paris on Thursday, marring protests against a youth jobs law that Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin, in a conciliatory move, agreed to discuss with unions.
Aides said Villepin would meet senior trade union officials on Friday to try to defuse a crisis that has triggered a national strike threat and drawn hundreds of thousands of protesters on to French streets.
In Paris, riot police fired tear gas in clashes with youths, dubbed "casseurs" by the French, in the Invalides areas near the Foreign Ministry, Reuters witnesses said.
I commend these people who stand up for their rights in regards to labor and protest for what they believe in.
I'm pretty dismayed by the negative spin these protests and riots are getting in the media here in the U.S. Why the negative attacks and anti-freedom slant?
Just because we as Americans have failed to stand up for our rights and civil freedoms, we should not look down on another's countrymen who are willing to rally for their freedoms and beliefs.
After all, we are the people, as a country, who have allowed the terrible Patriot Act to pass that degrades and destroys any reverence to the constitution. We have allowed big corporations and political parties to take over the media and tightly intigrate politics and news.
If anything, I give honor to the fact they stand up for themselves, and I hang my head in disgrace at how we as a country have let the career politicians take it all in the name of the "war on terror".
Who will stand up and answer the clarion call to freedom?
Who will fight for your rights as a citizen from an oppressive governement?
Any takers?
Tags: [France], [Paris], [Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin], [French riots continue], [negative spin by American media], [trial periods and unjustified layoffs for young workers]
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