Karl Rove
speaking at a New Hampshire Republican officials meeting again attacked Democrats who have criticized the U.S. war effort in Iraq, such as Sen. John F. Kerry (Mass.) and Rep. John P. Murtha (Pa.). Strong attacks against ones patriotism are always coming from those who have never served in the military, interesting?
Officials Detail Zarqawi's Last Hour. One has to wonder if the words "oh shit" and "did anyone hear that" ever came out of his mouth during those final moments?

Religious Leaders
Urge U.S. to Ban Torture. Bush says thanks and then uses the signed statement from church officials to take care of one of his executive duties in the bathroom.

that where the victims of Hurricane Katrina are showing high rates of depression, anxiety, behavioral problems and post-traumatic stress disorder. You did a heck of a job at destroying these kids futures Brownie!

Violent Crime
Rises In U.S.. Another reason to come live the American dream.

Hillary Clinton
Faces Anti-War Critics. Another Dem in love with Bush-light. When will they ever learn?

Won't Be Charged in CIA Leak Case. The Devil incargnito beats the system again.

sees US in Iraq bigger danger than Iran: poll. Wow, there's a real shocker!
[Rove's Speech to N.H. Republicans Keeps to Partisan Line],
[Officials Detail Zarqawi's Last Hour],
[Religious Leaders Urge U.S. to Ban Torture],
[For Many of Katrina's Young Victims, The Scars Are More Than Skin Deep],
[children affected by Hurricane Katrina have found high rates of depression, anxiety, behavioral problems and post-traumatic stress disorder],
[Violent Crime Rises In U.S.],
[Hillary Clinton Faces Anti-War Critics],
[Dem in love with Bush-light],
[Rove Won't Be Charged in CIA Leak Case],
[World sees US in Iraq bigger danger than Iran: poll],
[people worldwide think the U.S. presence in Iraq is an even bigger threat],
[support in most countries for
President George W. Bush's war on terrorism is either flat or falling],
[war on terror],
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