Sunday, May 21, 2006

Attorney General: Reporters Can Be Prosecuted.

Source: AP News-News.Yahoo.Com

Time to lower all flags in the United States and put them back upside down.
We, the United States, have officially become a communist-style country with extreme controls on what the press can and cannot report. Free speech, democracy, and the public's right to know are officially dead on arrival.

WASHINGTON - Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said Sunday he believes journalists can be prosecuted for publishing classified information, citing an obligation to national security.

The nation's top law enforcer also said the government will not hesitate to track telephone calls made by reporters as part of a criminal leak investigation, but officials would not do so routinely and randomly.

"There are some statutes on the book which, if you read the language carefully, would seem to indicate that that is a possibility," Gonzales said, referring to prosecutions. "We have an obligation to enforce those laws. We have an obligation to ensure that our national security is protected."

When a government takes away the media's ability to hold them accountable for obvious crimes and ethical violations, you know you are truly being held down and oppressed as a citizen.

Does anyone remember those freedoms we are supposed to have under the Bill of Rights? I haven't seen many of them since the Lord of War took office as president.

America, we oppress our citizens' rights like the Chinese. We censure, threaten, and control our media like the Russians, and we smile and do a great public relations job at keeping our slogan, "Don't forget, we are spreading democracy, one secret CIA prison at a time!"

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