Source: News Telegraph
Saddam and "camels of mass destruction"...come on, guys, the charade is up, and no one believes you on the entire build-up to the current Iraq War.
I do give you points for effort for continuing to try spinning a very unpopular war among most Americans and the international community who want us out.
Saddam Hussein planned to use "camels of mass destruction" as weapons to defend Iraq, loading them with bombs and directing them towards invading forces.
The animals were part of a plan to arm and equip foreign insurgents drawn up by the dictator shortly before the American-led invasion three years ago, reveals a 37-page report, captured after the fall of Baghdad and just released by the Pentagon. It is part of a cache of thousands of documents that the United States Department of Defence says it does not have the resources to translate.
Yeah, I totally believe the "evil camel" theory. Especially when the so-called "smoking gun" documents are being translated by a conservative internet discussion forum.
They won't spin this one bit, and I'm sure they will be "fair and balanced" just like FOX News is (not).
The papers have been translated by Arabic-speaking members of Free Republic, a conservative internet discussion forum that believes the documents will justify British and American claims that Saddam had made Iraq a haven for terrorists.
I'm phoning this one in. Do us a favor and quick wasting our time. This is a laughable ruse and a simple distraction from the more important issues of the day.
Tags: [camels], [weapons of mass destruction], [WMDs], [camels of mass destruction], [CMDs], [camels carrying bombs], [watch out, guys...those Iraqi camels are evil]
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