Monday, March 27, 2006

Afghan Court Drops Christian Convert Case.

Source: AP News via

Justice, freedom of religion, and Republican polling numbers prevailed.

Abdul Rahman was breathing a sigh of relief when an Afghan court bowed to international pressure and dropped his case.

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) -- A court on Sunday dismissed the case against an Afghan man facing possible execution for converting from Islam to Christianity, officials said, paving the way for his release.

The move eased pressure from the West but raised the dilemma of protecting Abdul Rahman after his release as Islamic clerics have called for him to be killed.

One official said freedom might come as soon as Monday for Rahman, who became a Christian in the 1990s while working for an aid group in neighboring Pakistan.

Just a strong word of advice, Mr. Rahman. Islamic clerics are calling for your head, so you may want to get out of the country while you still can. Other than that, enjoy that religious freedom that most in Afghanistan will never know.

And I remember some error-speaking presidential figure telling us Afghanistan is now a "free" and "democratic" country. I guess our definitions of the above are a bit different.

Maybe it's me, but I'm not seeing the change in the country right now.

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