Thursday, March 23, 2006

Dixie Chicks Address Death Threats.

Source: Fox News

The Dixie Chicks have taken on the death threats from their anti-Bush stance with a new song called Not Ready to Make Nice.

You have to love those "high moral values"-based death threats from the GOP faithful. They haven't let us down yet.
Dixie Chicks Song Addresses Death Threats

Three years ago, the Dixie Chicks were getting death threats for the stands they took on the Iraq war. Now, in the first single from their new album, they address those threats head on. The song is called "Not Ready to Make Nice."

All of that is to say, country music listeners don't seem to mind that the Dixie Chicks are speaking their minds about several topics including the war in Iraq and President Bush. They are not the first people you think of as war protesters or folk singers with a message. But the Dixie Chicks are back with their first album in four years, and they are mad as hell.

Back in 2003, the Chicks revealed that they'd installed metal detectors at their shows and were receiving hate mail and death threats.

I always have respect for anyone who stands up for what they believe in. Congrats to the Dixie Chicks for being great Americans and doing the deed that every true American should be doing right now.

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