Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Andy Card Is The First To Go.

Source: AP via Yahoo News

Out goes Andy... comes Josh.

So Andy is the first to "resign". Who's next?

Bush spent time denying a shake-up, but if you have half of a brain, you knew it was coming. Republicans wish to keep control of Congress, and they need some sort of help from the White House to do that since everyone is fed up with the Bush Administration right now.

White House chief of staff Andy Card has resigned and will be replaced by budget director Joshua Bolten, President Bush announced Tuesday amid growing calls for a White House shakeup and Republican concern about Bush's tumbling poll ratings. Bush announced the changes in an nationally broadcast appearance in the Oval Office. "I have relied on Andy's wise counsel, his calm in crisis, his absolute integrity and his tireless commitment to public service," Bush said.

How is a budget director qualified to be chief of staff? And when is it Karl's turn?

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