I really love the meaning of this quote and meme. There are so many important things going on this world that people don't either care to educate themselves about or speak up when they see something unethical or illegal going on. It's this lack of care or lack of using energy for things like activism and supporting an important cause that those with evil intentions feed off.
If the populace is going to keep happily living in the shadows, there is no need for those who purposely do nefarious things to ever worry about accountability or being outed in the public.
Quite simply, by lack of action, the masses are giving their seal of approval, supporting things they most likely wouldn't if they had all of the facts in front of them and knew how the deeds would be effecting them, be it short term or long term, good or bad.
One of my favorite REM songs kind of sums it up: "It's The End Of The World As We Know It." The lyrics kind of summarize what I'm saying here.
People are either scared, told that if they speak up or out they will be labelled terrorists in this post 9-11 era, or they are so involved in their vices -- alcohol, sex, tv, drugs, and technology -- that their attention is diverted from the crimes going on around them, that they don't even notice a travesty happening right in front of their noses.
It's by design, I believe.
If you are entranced in this digital age --Facebook, text messaging, YouTube, your favorite TV shows; all at the minimalist ground level -- you aren't being observant about your civil liberties, privacy, or the things in your bedroom that no one should legislate or have intimate knowledge of which are being violated, legislated, or actively being spied on (NSA).
I learned one thing a long time ago, that still rings true even today: perception is not always reality.
What if the perception you have has always been forcefed since birth, so the reality you believe that is real is just a forced reality that does not exist, but you are in too deeply conscious-wise to tell the difference?
Basically, what you read in the papers, what you see on the evening news, even what is tought in your pre-approved history books (remember, the victors always write history!) is almost all a complete mirage or mental pre-conditioning to breed a civil and controllable society.
You have this false notion that everything is hunky dory or just about as good as it will ever be, so you pretty much never question anything and by design, you are extremely controllable and subservient.
I tend to subscribe to the above theory.
Think about it; certain segments in our society growing up match up perfectly here.
You go to a public school, and the goal of the entire system is conformity and establishing the class system.
You are taught to be quiet and do your work, but stay with the flow and do your expected work.
You quickly are a part of the social circles; the wealthy, the athletes, the geeks, the goths, and the reclusive people (the loners) start to form.
You go to college or straight into the work force and those divisions and classifications further cement themselves.
You go to college, you get student loans, and you are stuck with $80,000 in student loans; debt that hangs over your head like a 100 pound weight.
You have to make every payment regardless of other needs, or the system designed to help you get into and pay for college will destroy you and your credit. No filing bankruptcy, no getting away from it; they practically come after you.
If you go the straight-to-work route, you are stuck in a menial food service/sales job or a factory job where you are living paycheck to paycheck, barely making ends meet, and the fact you need the job(s) to survive is held over your head like a guillotine. Fairness, decency, and even a living wage are denied to you, Joe Q. Public, with the thought by management that there are 10
other Joes there who are unemployed who would love your job.
You have an innate fear of being homeless, of losing your vehicle(s) you cannot really afford and the house that you are not upside down on because of several vulturous refinances of your loan by banks who are slowly killing you financially like a cancer, simply because of their greed.
It's all stacked up against you.
Remember, he who controls your debt, the ability to put you in debt or a moment of living crisis, controls you.
Please, repeat after me: I love my country, and I'm free?
What I'm saying is this: since birth, you have no way to really win in this life, and it is all done by design. Unless you went to school with a chauffeur dropping you off to a school system that is very private, only the world's best-off attend, you never had a chance.
It was that way on purpose, and it will always be that way.
You will always tread water in one way or another, while those with so much will laugh and mock you from their golden perches way above you, enjoying the sight of you struggling but never getting ahead.
You will be the butt of their jokes, the memes they pass around on their invite-only Facebook-like networks for them and their über-wealthy friends.
My final thought is this:
There is no American dream; the often famed story of that guy who was another "rags to riches story," who went from being penniless to an overnight millionaire.
This is the real, cold, harsh world, and that shit just doesn't happen here.
"By the sweat of your brow will you have food to eat until you return to the ground from which you were made. For you were made from dust, and to dust you will return." - Genesis 3:19.
The above bible verse sums it up nicely.
You were poor, made from dust, and you will return to the ground poor, as dust once again. Never really had a chance, and when gone, you or your lineage moving forward won't either.
And like I said before, this is all by design.
You're welcome....
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