Saturday, October 26, 2013

It's Cartoon Time!

Typical "care for it before it's born, and then dump it after it takes its first breath" attitude.  That's what's wrong with this country.

An administration that can't take criticism?  From a young girl?  Same as it ever was, as Talking Heads once sang.

And here's another thing that's become a problem with this country: the "throw it out if it doesn't work" attitude.  Whatever happened to taking the "let's fix it" approach?  Of course, some things are not fixable, but it's ridiculous to automatically damn something without at least trying first.

Legalize the crap already and just make it a crime to operate a vehicle while using (of course, that doesn't work so well when it comes to alcohol, but in the end, it all boils down to personal choice and accountability anyway).  Or make rehab the response.  Jail is pointless and a waste of money.

Because one side clearly has better and more noble ideals than the other.  Uh, no.  There are no victors, on either side.

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