Sunday, September 23, 2012

More than 1,000 pastors plan to challenge IRS by endorsing presidential candidate | The Raw Story

More than 1,000 pastors plan to challenge IRS by endorsing presidential candidate | The Raw Story

1 comment:

stanchaz said...

These churches (or the IRS) need to decide whether they
are  going to be political organizations -
proclaiming partisan politics from the pulpit - places of WORSHIP. 
Not both.
Not in America.
p. s. I come from a religious background.
I know that their are many good people out there in various faiths
(AND outside of those faiths)...many good people searching for answers,
searching for community, and searching for a this all-too-harsh world.
There's only one thing I can say to you:
think for yourself, be yourself, trust yourself.
Don't just accept something because it comes from a "voice of authority".
For ultimately YOU are responsible for your life, and how you try to live it.
That’s why you have freedom of choice and a conscience:
to choose, not just to follow....
And if you do choose to attempt merge Church and State,
if you start going that road in this multi-cultural. multi-religious country:
as has happened so many times in the world’s history,
you risk corrupting and losing control of your own religion.
You may very well wind up
losing BOTH political power ...AND your religion.
Strict separation of Chuch and State is the only sane alternative.