Saturday, October 25, 2008

Michelle Bachmann - Not So Sorry Anymore

There is a movement afoot that's occurring and part of that is whole philosophical idea of multi-cultural diversity, which on the face sounds wonderful. Let's appreciate and value everyone's cultures. But guess what? Not all cultures are equal. Not all values are equal.

And one thing that we're seeing is that in the midst of this violence that's being encouraged by al Jazeera and by the jihadists that's occurring, is that we are seeing that those who are coming into France -- which had a beautiful culture -- the French culture is actually diminished. It's going away. And just with the population of France they are losing Western Europeans and it's being taken over by a Muslim ethic. Not that Muslims are bad. But they are not assimilating.

And a Youtube video to help Michelle cope with her situation:
(thanks to Elton John for this one...)

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