Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Fox News' Megyn Kelly Concludes That "Nailin' Paylin" Is Legal

Well, sure. Satire -- even if it's porn -- is still protected speech in this country, right? (I'm positive O'Reilly wouldn't agree to this, but hey, at least he has a part in it somewhere. I'm afraid to ask where though.)

If you haven't heard -- and how could you not hear about this by now? -- Larry Flynt is producing a film that stars a Palin-lookalike and some stranded Russian soldiers. You can find a partial script here, but if you can't wait for the link to load, you can enjoy some tidbits right now.

In the opening scene, the actress playing Palin flings herself on a tanning-bed repairman, pronouncing, "You're in luck. I fully support off-shore and on-shore drilling. ... God almighty! You are hung like a moose. Now I have to eat ya! ... Pound me until my head is so empty that I can't even remember the name of the one Supreme Court case I actually know!"

While no one can replace Tina Fey as the Queen of All Sarah Palin Lookalikes in my heart, I'm sure that this, as with all of Flynt's humor, will be enjoyable.

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