Friday, October 31, 2008

Epic fail- Team McCain won't name Obama's 'anti-Semitic' pals

Goldfarb: Look, you're missing the point again, Rick. The point is that Barack Obama has a long track record of being around anti-Semitic, anti-Israel, and anti-American rhetoric.

Sanchez: Can you name one other person besides Khalidi who he hangs around with who is anti-Semitic?

Goldfarb: He pals around with William Ayers who is a domestic terrorist.

Sanchez: No, no. The question I asked you is, Can you name one other person that he hangs around with who is anti-Semitic? Because that's what you said.

Goldfarb: Look, we all know that there are people who Barack Obama has been in hot water ...

Sanchez: Michael, I asked you to name one person. One.

Goldfarb: [Smiles smugly]

Sanchez: You said he hangs around with people who are anti-Semitic. OK, we got Khalidi on the table. Give me number two. Who's the other anti-Semitic person that he hangs around with that we, quote, all know about.

Goldfarb: Rick, we both know who Number Two is. [Silence]

Sanchez: Who?

Goldfarb: [Smiles, says nothing]

Sanchez: Would you tell us?

Goldfarb: No, Rick, I think we all know who we're talking about here.

Sanchez: Somebody who's anti-Semitic who he hangs around with?

Goldfarb: Absolutely.

Sanchez: Well, say it!

Goldfarb: I think we know who we're talking about, Rick.

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