Monday, October 27, 2008

DRUDGE REPORT - Matt Drudge in denail now too..

First McCain, now drudge.
These guys have serious problems with dealing with reality and fact.

Fact, McCain is losing badly.
So bad, that Obama may win by a landslide mandate.
Fiction, McCain is only down three points and is overcoming Obama is certain swing states.

* FL: Obama 49, McCain 44 (Suffolk-10/23-26)
* AZ: McCain 49, Obama 41 (NAU-10/18-27)
* Rasmussen: CO, FL, MO, NC, OH, VA (10/26)
* US: Obama 52, McCain 45 (ABCPost-10/23-26)
* OR: Obama 57, McCain 38 (SurveyUSA-10/25-26)
* WA: Obama 55, McCain 34 (WashPoll-10/18-26)
* PA: Obama 50, McCain 41 (Temple-10/20-26)
* NC: Obama 49, McCain 48 (PPP-10/15-16)
* Marist: IA, NH (10/22-23)
* US: Obama 53, McCain 43 (Gallup-10/24-26)
* VA: Obama 52, McCain 43 (SurveyUSA-10/25-26)
* VA: Obama 52, McCain 44 (WPost-10/22-25)
* US: Obama 50, McCain 42 (Hotline 10/24-26)
* US: Obama 51, McCain 46 (Rasmussen 10/24-26)
* US: Obama 49, McCain 46 (GWU 10/20-23, 26)
* US: Obama 50, McCain 42 (Daily Kos 10/24-26)
* US: Obama 50, McCain 45 (Zogby 10/24-26)
* PA: Obama 53, McCain 40 (Muhlenberg 10/22-26)

Fact, percentage wise, Obama may win the popular vote, majority of electoral votes and win by a landslide,
Fiction, McCain is confident he will win the popular vote and that he will sqeak by with a narrow electorial college win.


What is the deal with these guys?
I honestly think this is a full out blitz to disfranchise voters and a desperate plea to try to stop voters from coming out to the polls Nov.4th.
It really looks like a lame attempt at energizing the GOP base and they keep using attack points that haven't helped McCain's campaign to date.

Keep screwing with the people's right to vote and the electoral process in general, as the polls show, it has worked wonders for you guys so far.
The constant barrages of negative attacks against Obama and voters in general will be the final nails in John McCain's election coffin.

Keep it up GOP, your practically giving this election away.

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