Monday, October 27, 2008

Author of Obama Muslim rumor replaces it with Communist rumor

Now the right-wing moonbats can't even get their smear campaigns right.
C'mon people, if you are going to attack a respectable mans credibility, at least get your stories on the same page. (/sarcasm)
Just another case of "Republican fail."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now communists aren't supporting Barack Obama - they're supporting Governor Palin!!!??? Check it out...

Communists for Palin? I did a google blog search for Palin and found this. Seemed weird, so I e-mailed the author to see if this was legit or not. He says as a Marxist-Leninist, he supports Republicans in power, especially ones like Sarah Palin, just because he feels they have the capacity to cause more damage.

The radical left gets weirder and weirder every generation.