Sunday, July 16, 2006

U.N. Imposes Limited Sanctions On N. Korea

U.N. Imposes Limited Sanctions on N. Korea

Now while everyone knows that the Kim family is crazy, this is still a tad hypocritical. The UN (and especially the US) telling the rest of the world who can and cannot conduct missile testing is akin to the most popular girl (you've had one of those, I'm sure) in the class inviting everyone to her birthday party (because she was forced to invite them all since it's considered polite and fair), but telling the kids she deems "uncool" that only her friends are allowed to eat the cake. It's silly because everyone wants a piece, and honestly, if we're playing fair here, if you invite them, then it's only right that they get some of the cake, too.

Oh, well...I guess North Korea can be proud that they set a record. Apparently, they rejected the resolution after only 45 minutes.

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