Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Fact Checking Must Be For Losers

CIA Report on Terrorist Recruitment (2002)

That must be what the CIA thinks, anyway. Apparently, they seldomly do it, even when they really need to in important cases--such as checking terrorists connections. Because we wouldn't want to throw an innocent person in jail. (Even though that still happens.)

The last page of the document provides an extensive list of sources which are numbered -- "but the numbers aren't keyed to the text," noticed former CIA analyst Allen Thomson.

He recalled being puzzled by this practice of decoupling the sources from the text more than two decades ago, and investigating the matter at the time.

"The list of sources wasn't kept for reasons of documenting the reasoning that went into publications," Mr. Thomson explained. "It was solely a security requirement so that, should somebody think that information had been published at too low a level of classification, the matter could be checked. Curiously, there was no master copy with the sources keyed to the text to aid in such security checking, so I suspect that checking was seldom done, if ever."

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