Monday, July 17, 2006

Canadian Family Dies In Israeli Bombing Attack

Canadian Family Dies In Israeli Bombing Attack

In the middle of this war between Hezbollah and Israel, what did this family do to deserve to be murdered in the middle of the night?

This whole action on South Lebanon is going too far. Hundreds of innocent civilians are being killed or displaced who have nothing to do with this conflict.

The U.N. shows again what a big joke it is, and why the entire U.N. process is a waste of resources and a ultimate failure.

Israel has sent the message that they won't tolerate terrorist attacks, but now they are turning into the very enemy they set out to kill. Instead, they're sending the message that the rules of civility and respect for human lives don't apply to them. By Geneva Conventions standards, they have already jumped head-first into many actions that would be considered warcrimes.

I really want to know why Israel gets a free pass to kill and murder innocent civilians, but when an Arab group or country does the same, they are terrible terrorists and must be brought to justice.

By Israel's lack of discourse for human life and the Geneva Conventions, I'm getting a better picture of whom the real terrorists in the Middle East really are. (Hint: they aren't the people practicing Islamic religions, if you catch my drift.)

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