Mexico 3-1 over Iran in World Cup Soccer action; Matt Drudge and his Drudge Report has another "heart-attack-inducing 190 font, all red and caps" fit. In other news, U.S. soccer teams get asses handed to them by Czechs,
score 3-0.

After 9/11, Arab-Americans
Fear Police Acts, Study Finds; in another surprising turn, Arab-Americans learn what the rest of us already knew--what a "police state" is.

Zarqawi Group
Vows to Press Attacks; and Congress
vows to stamp out corruption...and George Bush
vows to end the spread of WMDs
a.k.a. "deadly pretzels".

Three Detainees
Who Committed Suicide Are Identified; Saudi Arabians Mani Shaman Turki al-Habardi al-Utaybi, 30, Yassar Talal al-Zharani, 22, and Ali Abdullah Ahmed of Yemen, who was 29 or 30, find the only way off the U.S. prison camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba: death.

on Alert as Tropical Storm Nears; Tropical Storm Alberto to visit Disney World and leave $2 billion in damages.

Arizona Race
Tests a Hard Line on Immigration; Republicans make illegal immigrants the new "gays" while Democrats favor tighter border controls with a path toward legal status. The GOP: America's own hate party?
War in Iraq...I mean "civil war" in Iraq...may be spreading to places like Lebanon. Look at the death and instability we created. Mission accomplished?
[Mexico 3-1 Iran],
[World Cup soccer],
[World Cup],
[U.S. loses to Czechs 3-0],
[After 9/11, Arab-Americans Fear Police Acts, Study Finds],
[police state],
[Zarqawi Group Vows to Press Attacks],
[Osama bin Laden],
[Three Detainees Who Committed Suicide Are Identified],
[Saudi Arabians Mani Shaman Turki al-Habardi al-Utaybi, 30, and Yassar Talal al-Zharani, 22, and Ali Abdullah Ahmed of Yemen, who was 29 or 30],
[Florida on Alert as Tropical Storm Nears],
[Tropical Storm Alberto],
[Arizona Race Tests a Hard Line on Immigration],
[Republican is an immigration hawk who favors cracking down on illegal immigrants],
[Democrat calls himself an immigration realist who would combine tighter border controls with a path toward legal status],
[Republican Rep. J.D. Hayworth],
[Democrat Harry Mitchell],
[Smoke of Iraq War 'Drifting Over Lebanon'],
[civil war in Iraq],
[Iraq War]
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