Because everyone loves a good quickie.
Dems planned to exclude Clinton from press conference on bill she introduced; the rivalry between Hillary and Charles Schumer keeps on growing, and now it's engulfing others...like Harry Reid.
Court Nixes Part of Texas Political Map; but that's OK because they've kept most of the map Tom DeLay engineered before he got kicked out of office! What minority voting rights?
Video: Frist blames CNN for low Republican poll numbers; and here's the "truth" according to Frist: the Republican Senate is addressing the main concerns of Americans, and CNN is just broadcasting the wrong polls...uh, yeah.
Marine in 'Fahrenheit 9/11' killed by a roadside bomb in Iraq; Staff Sgt. Raymond J. Plouhar was the recruiter from Flint in the film who was targeting young men in poor neighborhoods. Anyone believe in karma?
Obama: Democrats must court evangelicals; no matter what liberals may think, he has a point. There is a religious majority in this country (that includes all religions, by the way), and to just exclude them does the Democrats no good during upcoming elections.
Just stay away from Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, and those "special" kind of evangelists.
KT MacFarland uses the old
I was abused as a child ploy to gain sympathy votes?
And Hillary looks like she was beaten with the ugly stick one too many times...so what's that about abuse again?
Senator Wants IRS to Chase After Pimps; Sen. Charles Grassley wants the IRS to chase after pimps and sex traffickers. Well, if they did the same thing for Al Capone....
Israeli Military Pummels Palestinians, Warns Syria; Israel's turning up the pressure in order to get back their captive soldier. How long before the world sees WWIII?
Guantanamo Officials Say They Can't Stop All Suicides; perhaps what they meant to say is that they "won't".
Appeals Court Vetoes Bush Plan To Alter U.S. Personnel Rules; finally, someone with a set of balls?
[Appeals Court Vetoes Bush Plan To Alter U.S. Personnel Rules],
[Judge Harry T. Edwards],
[U.S. Court of Appeals],
[D.C. Circuit],
[Department of Homeland Security],
[National Treasury Employees Union],
[15-grade General Schedule pay system],
[Senator Wants IRS to Chase After Pimps],
[Senate Finance Committee],
[Sen. Charles Grassley],
[Guantanamo Officials Say They Can't Stop All Suicides],
[administrators maintain that prisoners harm themselves as part of a 'campaign against us'],
[suicide smocks],
[Navy Rear Adm. Harry B. Harris Jr.],
[Obama: Democrats must court evangelicals],
[Sen. Barack Obama],
[Call to Renewal],
[Marine in 'Fahrenheit 9/11' killed in Iraq],
[Fahrenheit 9/11],
[Staff Sgt. Raymond J. Plouhar],
[Court Nixes Part of Texas Political Map],
[Texas congressional map engineered by former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay],
[minority voting rights],
[Justice Anthony M. Kennedy],
[Voting Rights Act],
[shifting of 100,000 Hispanics out of a district represented by a Republican incumbent],
[Frist blames CNN for low Republican poll numbers],
[Senator Bill Frist],
[American Morning],
[Miles O'Brien],
[Dems planned to exclude Clinton from press conference on bill she introduced],
[Hillary Clinton],
[Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid],
[Charles Schumer],
[Israeli Military Pummels Palestinians, Warns Syria],
[Syrian President Bashar Assad],
[Cpl. Gilad Shalit],
[McFarland Recalls Childhood],
[Kathleen Troia "KT" McFarland],
[a decade of childhood abuse]
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