President Bush To
Legally Blind Reporter: "Are You Going to Ask That Question with Shades On?" (Sidenote: reporter was Los Angeles Times reporter Peter Wallsten, and he is legally blind! --video behind link.)

Apologizes to blind LA Times Reporter. Making fun of obvious blind people isn't very presidential-like.

GOP Measure
Forces House Debate on War. GOP leaders get to stand up and lie about how good of a wartime leader George Bush is and how well the civil war in Iraq is going.

Laurel And Hardy
Go To Baghdad. Funny stuff.

sings about shooting child dead. This stunt will do a world's good for the US's image.

War crimes court
finds multiple Darfur massacres. Thousands, including many women and children, may have been killed with "specific genocidal intent". When are any of the super-powers in the U.N. going to do something to stop this massacre?

GOP, Dem House
members protest GOP blocking of Iraq debate by tying hands. Republican leadership continues to block any real debate on the mess that was formerly Iraq. Bipartisian politics are dead on arrival.
[Bush Apologizes to LA Times Reporter],
[Los Angeles Times reporter Peter Wallsten],
[GOP Measure Forces House Debate on War],
[President Bush To Legally Blind Reporter: Are You Going to Ask That Question with Shades On?],
[Laurel And Hardy Go To Baghdad],
[Nuri al Maliki],
[Tony Snow],
[Dan Barlett],
[Marine sings about shooting child dead],
[Joshua Belile performing Hadji Girl],
[War crimes court finds multiple Darfur massacres],
[International Criminal Court],
[protest the blocking by Republican leadership of any real debate about the war in Iraq],
[GOP, Dem House members protest GOP blocking of Iraq debate by tying hands]
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