Source: Washington Post
The social conservative GOP spin machine is hard at work again using a term, or spin on that said term, to separate themselves from other voting blocks. The new term is "values voters".
Now let's think about this for a second.
Any voter--be they Democrat, Republican, Independent, or Green Party member--is going to vote by their beliefs system and the values by which their respective parents raised them.
This is another blatant attack to use a term--or better yet--phrase for other than what it means.
Remember the attack on those who weren't true "patriots" or being "patriotic" if you didn't support the corrupt Bush administration or the illegal Iraq War?
It looks like Karl Rove and his GOP crooks are hard at work try to "swift boat" us again.
An aggressively annoying new phrase in America's political lexicon is "values voters." It is used proudly by social conservatives, and carelessly by the media to denote such conservatives.
This phrase diminishes our understanding of politics. It also is arrogant on the part of social conservatives and insulting to everyone else because it implies that only social conservatives vote to advance their values and everyone else votes to...well, it is unclear what they supposedly think they are doing with their ballots. It is odd that some conservatives are eager to promote the semantic vanity of the phrase "values voters." And it is odder still that the media are cooperating with those conservatives.
Conservatives should be wary of the idea that when they talk about, say, tax cuts and limited government -- about things other than abortion, gay marriage, religion in the public square and similar issues -- they are engaging in values-free discourse. And by ratifying the social conservatives' monopoly of the label "values voters," the media are furthering the fiction that these voters are somehow more morally awake than others.
Good luck, fellas; the old GOP playbook isn't as golden as it used to be.
People, even those in the GOP, aren't buying the old publicity stunts, spinning of words, and blame game anymore. This is another lurid attempt by a party that is extremely desperate and is hanging onto control by a very thin thread that is about to break any day now.
The straw that will break the camels back will be a simple thing--the truth.
By again trying the same old tricks, the old-guard of the GOP obviously hasn't learned any lessons and probably will suffer a major defeat this November for simply failing to evolve and change their method of attack.
I compare the current GOP leadership ideals to that of a record that keeps skipping over and over again, and no one from the party will stand up and fix the record to get the complete message out. Eventually, people get tired of the same old skipping message, so they just cut the power and walk away from it.
Voters in November may cut the power off from the GOP and simply walk away from the Grand Old Party, never to return again.
Voting the corrupt crooks out of control of the White House and Congress could be the best thing any "values voters" decide to do.
Tags: [Values Voter], [Who Isn't A Values Voter], [The Family Research Council], [Vision America], [John McCain delivered the commencement address at Jerry Falwell's Liberty University, he was said to be reaching out to values voters], [Conservatives], [George F. Will], [washingtonpost.com]
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