US government
restricts China PCs. Computers bought from Loveno won't be used for classified work, just in FBI, NSA, and CIA offices or places that deal with classified materials. What could go wrong with this arrangement?

ties Babe Ruth on all-time list. I guess cheating and taking steroids is now the new in thing? Great example given by MLB baseball to the youth of America. Win at all costs, even if it screws up your health.

Mexican priest
ordered to retire. Pope lays the "divine" smackdown on influential Legion of Christ priest, Father Maciel.

US terror
inmates "attack guards at Guantanamo Bay"? It's quite amazing this attack happened in a super-high security facility.

Hemingway papers
link Cuba and US. Cuba and US working together for once...old political grudges and posturing are put on hold for 10 minutes.

Searches Official's Office in Ethics Inquiry. Representative William J. Jefferson, Democrat of Louisiana does his best to screw up the Dems retaking of Congress.

Bush Is
Losing Hispanics' Support, Polls Show. GOP branding Hispanics as the enemy or wanting English as the official language of the minority in this country has nothing to do with this, of course.

Debate on
How to Reshape Law Has Divided Republicans. Democrats wanting to retake White House and Congress can watch the GOP destroy its own, and then just come in and clean up the mess at the end.

Denies Seeing Cheney's Notes on Newspaper Column. Spins and lies; prison bitchology to ensue for Libby.

Marijuana Muffins
Take a Toll. A very interesting Eagle scout project...now the FBI wants to help this good scout work on his "go to jail" badge.

US mayor in
sex-for-water claims. Must be practicing for "nuts and fudge," "grab the soap trade" hard love in prison.

Despite Pledge,
Taxes Increase for Teenager. $69 billion tax cut bill triples taxes for college teenagers. I remember a certain president promising to veto any bill that raised taxes. Lie, lie, spin and lie again...it's the Bush crime family creed.

Plays Down Plan to Speed Airport Security. Trusted terrorist--I mean, trusted traveler program now to roll out.

city power grid attacked. Drug dealers push government to fix the problem, fret over goods stuck at port.
Mine blast kills five in Kentucky. So, the easing of business safety laws was a good thing, right?

With a new album out, the
Dixie Chicks lay the 411 on their feelings of the Shrub; "I Apologized For Disrespecting The Office Of The President. But I Don't Feel That Way Anymore. I Don't Feel He Is Owed Any Respect Whatsoever."
[Dixie Chicks, new album],
[I Apologized For Disrespecting The Office Of The President. But I Don't Feel That Way Anymore. I Don't Feel He Is Owed Any Respect Whatsoever],
[Mine blast kills five in Kentucky],
[Colombia city power grid attacked],
[Agency Plays Down Plan to Speed Airport Security],
[Despite Pledge, Taxes Increase for Teenagers],
[US mayor in sex-for-water claims],
[US government restricts China PCs],
[Bonds ties Ruth on all-time list],
[Mexican priest ordered to retire],
[US terror inmates attack guards],
[Hemingway papers link Cuba and US],
[F.B.I. Searches Official's Office in Ethics Inquiry],
[Bush Is Losing Hispanics' Support, Polls Show],
[Debate on How to Reshape Immigration Law Has Divided Republicans],
[Libby Denies Seeing Cheney's Notes on Newspaper Column],
[Marijuana Muffins Take a Toll]
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