Monday, May 22, 2006

Judicial Watch September 11 Pentagon Video (Parts 1 & 2).

Judicial Watch September 11 Pentagon Video -- 1 of 2
This is previously unreleased footage of American Airlines Flight 77 hitting the Pentagon obtained by public interest group, Judicial Watch. For more info, visit

Judicial Watch September 11 Pentagon Video -- 2 of 2
This is previously unreleased footage obtained by Judicial Watch of American Airlines Flight 77 hitting the Pentagon from a different angle. For more info see

Sources and

The release of the video still answers no questions and leaves a gaping hole to the government's story of how and what attacked the Pentagon. Take a look for yourself.

If you slow down the 2nd video and zoom in, you see what looks more like a Tomahawk cruise missile--one of these:

People in the area saw a military C-130 plane flying over immediately after the attack.

The military has the technology and the means to launch a cruise missile from an airborne C-130.

One also has to question why the attack was on the "newly reinforced" wing of the Pentagon building, and who stands to gain the most from this "staged" attack.

I truly believe this attack was a staged event and an act of treason by this Bush administration. Many, including myself, don't buy the official 9/11 attack story anymore. One day soon, the truth will come out, and these neo-cons will be held accountable in a court of their peers.

Only a "true patriot" can look beyond political affiliations and see this lurid act of treason and the death of several thousand Americans for what it is: another bad Bush publicity stunt that went horribly wrong.

Then again, just about everything with this administration has went this way, so not much has changed at this point.

How long will the people allow this corrupt, criminal administration to get away with breaking several federal laws and the high crime of treason? Really, people...haven't you seen enough at this point? Impeach these crooks, and let's try to forget the worst presidency ever.

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