Monday, May 22, 2006

Headline From Raw Story: DNC To Loudly Denounce Drudge Story Claiming Dean Intervened In New Orleans

Sources: The Raw Story (just a headline, no link to story yet), Matt Drudge's Drudge Report

Here's Drudge's made-up bullshit, as usual "exclusive":



The Democratic National Committee (DNC) secretly placed political operatives in the city of New Orleans to work against the reelection efforts of incumbent Democrat Mayor Ray Nagin, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

DNC Chairman Howard Dean made the decision himself to back mayoral candidate and sitting Lieutenant Governor Mitch Landrieu (D-LA), sources reveal.

Dean came to the decision to back the white challenger, over the African-American incumbent Nagin, despite concerns amongst senior black officials in the Party that the DNC should stay neutral.

The DNC teams actively worked to defeat Nagin under the auspice of the committee's voting rights program.

The party's field efforts also coincided with a national effort by Democrat contributors to support Landrieu.

Landrieu had outraised Nagin by a wide margin -- $3.3 million to $541,980.

Preliminary campaign finance reports indicate many of Landrieu's contributions came from out of state white Democrat leaders and financiers, including a $1,000 contribution from Sen. Ben Nelson's (D-NE) PAC.

The defeat of Mitch Landrieu is the latest setback for Dean's often criticized field operation.

In his victory speech late Saturday night, Nagin praised President Bush.

"You and I have probably been the most vilified politicians in the country. But I want to thank you for moving that promise that you made in Jackson Square forward," Nagin said.


Spare me, please. Even if Nagin is now "best friends forever" with George, I have a hard time believing Drudge because he tries to spin this as "LOOK! HOWARD DEAN THE RACIST!!" crap because Dean supposedly supported Whitey Landrieu instead of Nagin whom Whitey is keeping down. Drudge suddenly cares about black Democrats? Right.

In any case, stay tuned. As soon as we see something on the AP wire, we'll have a follow-up.

(Also of note, The Raw Story is also running this headline: "BUSH, BLAIR PLAN MAJOR IRAQ ANNOUNCEMENT: DEVELOPING..." As soon as we know something on that, it will also be up. And this headline is now: "DNC CONSULTS LAWYERS AFTER DRUDGE MAKES SPLASH ON DEAN... SAYS STORY ABOUT DEAN INTERVENING IN NEW ORLEANS UNTRUE... DEVELOPING")

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