Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Washington Post

A Washington Post/ABC News poll shows that a staggering 60% of Americans do not approve of Bush's performance. It doesn't seem like much, considering that this day, last year, it was at 49%, but it's still an incredible number.

This is hurting the Republicans. I'm sure more than a few in Congress are sweating over the potential loss of their job.

With less than seven months remaining before the midterm elections, Bush's political troubles already appear to be casting a long shadow over them. Barely a third of registered voters, 35 percent, approve of the way the Republican-led Congress is doing its job -- the lowest level of support in nine years.

A majority of registered voters, 55 percent, say they plan to vote for the Democratic candidate in their House district, while 40 percent support the Republican candidate. That is the largest share of the electorate favoring Democrats in Post-ABC polls since the mid-1980s.


However, there may still be some hope left for them.

This grim news for the GOP is offset somewhat by the finding that 59 percent of voters still say they approve of their own representative. But even these numbers are weaker than in recent off-year election cycles and identical to support of congressional incumbents in June 1994 -- five months before Democrats lost control of Congress to Republicans.

It's pretty clear by now, though, that "Springtime for the Republicans" is nearly over, unless they can pull a few rabbits out of their hat.

As Bush and the Republicans falter, Democrats have emerged as the party most Americans trust to deal with such issues as Iraq, the economy and health care. By 49 to 42 percent, Americans trust Democrats more than Republicans to do a better job of handling Iraq.

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