Sunday, April 23, 2006

US Intel Report: Major Increase In Terrorist Incidents.

In a report to be released sometime next week, official U.S. government officials will show that terrorist attacks in the world jumped sharply in 2005.

That jump: from 3,194 incidents to more than 10,000.

Source: Christian Science Monitor

In a report to be released next week, US government figures will show that the number of terrorist attacks in the world jumped sharply in 2005, totaling more than 10,000 for the first time. That is almost triple the number of terrorist attacks in 2004 -- 3,194. Knight Ridder's Washington bureau reports that counterterrorism experts say that there are two reasons for the dramatic increase: a broader definition of what constitutes a terrorist attack, and the war in Iraq.

And more here:

WASHINGTON -- The number of terrorist attacks documented by U.S. intelligence agencies jumped sharply in 2005, crossing the 10,000 mark for the first time, according to U.S. counterterrorism officials and documents obtained by Knight Ridder Newspapers.

But the documents say, and officials confirm, that some of the rise is traceable to the war in Iraq, where foreign terrorists, a homegrown insurgency and sectarian strife have all contributed to political bloodshed.

More than half the fatalities from terrorism worldwide last year occurred in Iraq, said a counterterrorism official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the data haven't been made public. Roughly 85 percent of the U.S. citizens who died from terrorism during the year died in Iraq.

The figures cover only noncombatants and thus don't include combat deaths of U.S., Iraqi and other coalition soldiers.

I wonder...are political activists included in these numbers?

This current White House considers anyone who speaks out and exercises their rights the equivalent of a terrorist.

How about state-sponsored terrorism from the likes of the U.S. and say, for example, Israel?

Do these attacks in the country's best interests figure into these totals?

Until we have a more defined definition of what the measuring stick is, I would look at this report as nothing more than another piece of state-sponsored propaganda.

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