Friday, April 14, 2006

Neil Young, Son Of Famed Reporter, Records "Impeach the President" Song.

Source: Editor and Publisher

Neil Young, son of a famous reporter, steps up to the podium and records his "Impeach the President" song. It's just one part of an anti-Bush compilation CD with a hard rocking political-themed message.

NEW YORK As an E&P "Pressing Issues" column recently noted, rock star Neil Young is the son of a famed Canadian journalist, so it should not surprise many that he recently recorded a song in California with a very reportorial -- or at least pundit -- feel to it.

It's called "Impeach the President," so there can be little question what it is about.

Apparently, it was recorded with a 100-voice choir. Rumors have circulated the past few days on the Web, but E&P has tracked down the strongest confirmation in a blog kept by Sherman Oaks, Ca. musician/singer Alicia Morgan.

Previous reports quoted hints by Young and Jonathan Demme (who directed the new documentary "Heart of Gold") that Neil was working on a hard-rocking political or "anti-Bush" CD.

I say good for you, Neil Young. Only real patriots are willing to stand up against the neo-con, money-grabbing hate machine.

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