Tuesday, April 04, 2006

May Not Be Enough Support For Guest Worker Program.


McCain says that while a majority of the Senate supports his and Ted Kennedy's Judiciary Committee bill for the immigration issue, they need 60 senators to overcome opponents' parliamentary tactics, and there isn't enough support for that. Non-supporters are saying that the guest worker thing is nothing more than thinly-disguised amnesty. Of course, Ted and John say that isn't true...that illegal immigrants would have to pay fines, back taxes, and clear background checks before they could be allowed to stay.

And then, there's this:

More than 11 million illegal immigrants are believed to be in the U.S., and Sen. Mel Martinez, R-Fla., said he and Sen. Chuck Hagel, R- Neb., are pushing a "fallback" plan that would put those who have been here the longest on a track toward citizenship but treat more recent arrivals differently. A similar approach was rejected by the Senate Judiciary Committee last week but it was revived Monday night during a meeting in Majority Leader Bill Frist's office.

The proposal, dubbed the "roots concept, by Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter, R-Pa., seemed to have some support from Frist. He told CNN over the weekend that 40 percent of illegal immigrants have been in the country less than five years and "need to be dealt with in a different fashion."

It's the A-Team to the rescue!! Always have a "fallback" plan!

This isn't getting any better. Everyone is so split down the middle about what to do. Punish the immigrants for coming here and taking jobs? Or punish the companies that bring them in by the busloads in order to keep from raising salaries? Sadly, it's not a clear case of right or wrong with this issue. There are too many shades of gray.

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