Thursday, April 13, 2006

Iran Can Produce Nuclear Bomb In 16 days Or 5 To 10 Years? Who To Believe?

With the Warhawks going into overdrive, the spin machine is mounting an ardorous barrage of propaganda, building up to an attack against the newest member of the world nuclear club, Iran.

The only question is who to believe in all the hubbub?

The White House take: Iran could build the "mother of all bombs" in 16 days.

Iran Could Produce Nuclear Bomb in 16 Days, U.S. Says (Update2)

April 12 (Bloomberg) -- Iran, defying United Nations Security Council demands to halt its nuclear program, may be capable of making a nuclear bomb within 16 days, a U.S. State Department official said.

Iran will move to "industrial scale" uranium enrichment involving 54,000 centrifuges at its Natanz plant, the Associated Press quoted deputy nuclear chief Mohammad Saeedi as telling state-run television today.

"Using those 50,000 centrifuges they could produce enough highly enriched uranium for a nuclear weapon in 16 days," Stephen Rademaker, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for International Security and Nonproliferation, told reporters today in Moscow.

Or the skilled assessment of a western nuclear analyst, whose job it is to have superior knowledge about such threats.

Western nuclear analysts said yesterday that Tehran lacked the skills, materials and equipment to make good on its immediate nuclear ambitions, even as a senior Iranian official said Iran would defy international pressure and rapidly expand its ability to enrich uranium for fuel.

The official, Muhammad Saeedi, the deputy head of Iran's atomic energy organization, said Iran would push quickly to put 54,000 centrifuges on line--a vast increase from the 164 the Iranians said Tuesday that they had used to enrich uranium to levels that could fuel a nuclear reactor.

Still, nuclear analysts called the claims exaggerated. They said nothing had changed to alter current estimates of when Iran might be able to make a single nuclear weapon, assuming that is its ultimate goal. The United States Government has put that at 5 to 10 years, and some analysts have said it could come as late as 2020.

Hm...who do we believe? The Bush White House who knowingly falsified evidence and lied to the Americans leading up to a fraudulent war in Iraq? (We all know their fervor for telling the truth.) Or do we take the word of analysts whose jobs are to give us options, scenarios, and find such threats? Most often without slant--just the numbers and facts surrounding the situation.

Only time will tell if this Iran attack moves forward. We all know the Warhawks in this administration are hellbent on attacking and invading Iran.

I have a few quick, simple questions.

1.) Will they actually have a shred of real evidence this time, and will this attack on Iran actually have a justification?

And 2.) who benefits more from this attack...Halliburton or the money-hungry oil companies?

Who knows? Only time can tell, in this case.

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